Why are algal blooms bad? They are a growing threat in water ways around the country. This series provides context on how they form, where they are located and how harmful they are.
Check out other posts about what causes them, their potential toxic hazards and hot spots around the United States. Go to FoodPrint to learn more about how industrial agriculture can affect our water.
Green, blue and red slime in water bodies around the country have people wondering, “Why are algal blooms bad?”
Has the water in your swimming hole gone green with gunk? What about a red sheen topping the ocean waves? Chances are that you are witnessing one of the many harmful algal blooms (HAB) that tend to pop up in the summer’s heat.
Harmful algal blooms are a serious problem in local ponds and in faraway waters. They have spelled “algal doom” by turning drinking water toxic and ravaging aquatic ecosystems. These HABs are a growing threat around the world as human development and conventional agriculture are creating more nutrient pollution. Add to that the high temperatures, heavier rains and more intense droughts expected with climate change, and HAB outbreaks might become even more commonplace – and troublesome.
Get more information on HABs from the infographic below. (Click on it to see a larger PDF version.)

Originally published at GRACE’s former blog Ecocentric, by Kai Olson-Sawyer on . Infographic and main image: Weiling Fu, GRACE staff.