It takes a lot of water to produce the food we eat, the energy we use and all the things that we buy. Use our water saving tips below to save water while doing the laundry. You’ll find lots of ways to shrink your water footprint.
Use your washing machine only when it’s full to save water while doing the laundry.
Choose an ENERGY STAR water- and energy-efficient model if you’re in the market for a new washer. It will save you gallons of water each load (and save energy too).
Wash your jeans less – washing them a lot will wear them out more quickly. Consider airing them out or even putting them in the freezer to freshen them up.
For that matter, wash all your clothes less. You don’t need to wash most of your clothes as often as you probably do. Here are some ideas to help you cut back one of the biggest water users in the home and understand why thrifting can help you buy fewer clothing items.
Dry your clothes on a drying rack or a clothes line. When you save energy, you also save water because power plants use a lot of water to produce electricity.