October 20, 2022
Imagine a day without tap water. Can you do it? Imagine a day without tap water. Can you do it? And while we’re at it, do you know where your tap water comes from? We’re not talking about the bottled water you pay way too much money for in the store. When you turn on […]
October 20, 2022
Imagine a day without “virtual water,” or all the water it takes to make the food, energy and consumer goods you depend on. It’s not hard to imagine a day without tap water to brew a cup of coffee, take a shower or water your plants. Imagining a day without “virtual water”? Not so intuitive. […]
September 30, 2022
A Circle of Blue series show that algae blooms are often tied to agricultural pollution that goes largely unregulated. The water and environment news outlet, Circle of Blue, created an important six-part series on the problem of harmful algal blooms and the difficult — but possible — solutions. Agricultural pollution sits at the the center […]
August 17, 2022
The Colorado River forecast is a bad and water cuts are expected, reports the US federal government. As expected, the 24-month water forecast for the Colorado River Basin looks bleak with shallow reservoirs causing the first-ever Tier 2 water shortage, according to the federal US Bureau of Reclamation (BOR). Due to the ongoing 23-year megadrought, […]
August 4, 2022
A drying climate in the American Southwest could lead to hydroelectric power shortages as lakes empty. Impact of a Dry Climate on Energy and Agriculture As the country’s two largest lakes – Lake Mead and Lake Powell – empty out from the effects of climate change on the region’s precipitation patterns, loss of power from […]
July 15, 2022
The waterloop podcast took time to discuss the Water Footprint Calculator and the importance of water footprints. An episode of the waterloop podcast featured the Water Footprint Calculator, with discussions about the importance of water footprints to everyday life and how the project gives people tools and resources to reduce their footprint. The podcast is […]
June 6, 2022
California Water Watch is a new tool released by the Department of Water Resources that lets Californians look up their local water conditions. California Water Watch is a new site created by the California Department of Water Resources. The site compiles data from multiple sources in a way that allows users to view hydrological conditions […]
June 2, 2022
As farmers await, an update to the federal Clean Water Act is expected to be issued by the Biden administration soon. Updates that provide greater protections under the federal Clean Water Act (CWA) are expected in the coming months, and many farmers and their associations are wary of potentially tighter new rules to follow. In […]
May 16, 2022
Drought and water scarcity in agriculture are expected to increase over time, according to two new reports. Drought due to climate change is growing, says a United Nations report, while another study finds that water scarcity is expected to increase in areas where crops are grown by 2050. According to the United Nations Convention to […]