August 16, 2022
This education activity about the water footprint of food helps students see beyond tap water use and understand the large amounts of water involved in food production. This Education Activity was created to help students understand the large water footprint of food and agriculture. It is adapted from “Lesson 2: My Water Footprint” (pp. 5-7), […]
December 15, 2020
In order for students to understand why water conservation matters, it is critical that educators teach beyond the water cycle to help students understand that how and why we use water is complex. Download a full (PDF) version of this presentation and teachers notes. Is There More To Water Than the Water Cycle? Yes. Teaching […]
April 28, 2020
Learn How to Save Water with Aqua When the reservoir in her town runs low, 8-year old Aqua sees a sign that says, “please conserve.” Aqua’s not sure what that means so she asks her mother who tells her it means to “save water.” She’s still not sure, so she and her dog Sparky look […]
April 23, 2020
“Lessons for Understanding Our Water Footprint” are middle-school science lesson plans that teach student about direct and indirect (also known as virtual) water use . Three free, downloadable lessons encourage students to learn about water resources and explore how their food choices and shopping habits have a larger impact on their daily water consumption and their […]
April 23, 2020
“Lessons for Understanding Our Water Footprint” are a useful part of an environmental science curriculum. These high-school and undergraduate environmental science lessons build student awareness of direct and indirect (also known as virtual) water use . Three free, downloadable lessons encourage students to explore how their food choices and shopping habits have a larger impact on […]
April 23, 2020
Earth science lesson plans that are standards based, help educators teach middle and high school students about their water use and how to waste less. In these earth science lesson plans, students learn how their water use is impacted by their food choices and shopping habits which can cause them to use more water than […]
December 20, 2019
Global water usage is significant and many people are interested in getting their water footprints so they can lower their water use. While global water usage is important, our Water Footprint Calculator was created for users in the United States, using primarily US data and units (versus metric units). The Calculator helps visitors understand how […]
November 13, 2019
Websites for kids that make water topics fun can help teachers, parents and other educators increase kids understanding of the water issues we all deal with. There are many organizations and websites dedicated to helping kids (even the little ones) understand their water use and become better water stewards. Here’s a short list – let […]
September 22, 2018
Ask 10 different people what kind of jobs there are in water conservation and water protection and they’ll give probably give 11 different titles that are as varied as the country’s lakes and rivers. This is a good time to work in water protection because the global population is growing and, let’s face it, with […]